Radiant Joy Blog

Holy Boldness – Renouncing Lies that Prevent Our Being Holy

If you missed it, the first post in this 3-part series on Holiness, or Holy Boldness, was called “Holy Boldness – 3 Easy First Steps, 7 More Ideas to Follow. You may want to read that first, or after, this post. Steps 1 to 3 cited scriptures about God’s command to Be Holy, and how being holy is possible! Continuing where that left off . . . 

Step 4. Realize that the one Jesus calls “the father of lies” wants you to believe that holiness isn’t possible for mere mortals like us.

Over and over, day after day, a majority of Christians tell themselves the evil whopper that holiness isn’t possible, and they miss out on the complete, radiant joy God intends for them. The deception builds a barrier between those who believe it and Jesus. The lie holds holiness skeptics back from their sacred callings. On the contrary, accepting the good news that holiness is possible transforms Christians into people of promise, with endless possibilities for the incredible lives God created us to live. I  suggest you read Rediscover Jesus: An Invitation by Matthew Kelly (2015 Beacon Publishing), where this idea is expanded on pages 168-174. I highly recommend reading and reflecting upon this book, one short chapter a day, especially if you are a current or former Catholic. My church gave a free copy to everyone who came to church one Easter, and this year many are giving out copies of his book, Holy Moments, about a way of life that awakens your soul-potential!

Step 5. Reject the second biggest lie, too: the not-enough or never-enough lie.

Related to the holiness-is-impossible lie, the second biggest lie is the not-enough or never-enough lie. It shows up with words like these: I’m not devoted enough to achieve being holy. I’m not good enough to really be a child of God. I’m not gifted enough to share my faith effectively. I’m not talented enough to make a living pursuing my heart’s desire. There isn’t enough money for me to be able to devote myself to what I’d really like to do. There wasn’t enough love to go around in my family of origin. You get the idea. 

These lies deceive us, throw us off track, and are not self-loving. Like all lies, they need to be seen for what they are, renounced, and discarded as rubbish! The truth will set you free. Also, spending time in the presence of the Divine reminds us that we have a God of abundance, who will never run out of resources, provision, solutions, riches, and vast stores of Love. We can receive all that to the extent that we believe we will!  [Phil. 4:19; 2 Cor. 5:7; Jesus Calling, May 17, p. 144.]

Step 6. Renounce and command away in the name of Jesus the lies that deceive you, throw you off track, and are not self-loving.

Big lies need to be seen for what they are: the false stories and beliefs you keep telling yourself and then acting upon, consciously or unconsciously. The truth will set you free. If you don’t feel free, you haven’t yet received what Jesus intended for you. Galatians 5:1 says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” Freedom in Christ is an awesome transformational gift that every believer would be blessed to experience. May I suggest that you check out what Unbound Ministry can offer you? On my RadiantJoy.us website, you can read a short description of this ministry that’s been my passion for a decade, and you can book a call with me to answer some questions about it.

There is one more Holy Boldness post. Don’t miss it—and don’t miss out on holiness itself!


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