Radiant Joy Blog

The Transformative Power of Gratitude: Embrace Hard Lessons

As women over 50, we sometimes long for deeper spiritual connection. We yearn to discover the missing piece that will bring us to greater intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In this November blog post, let’s explore the topic of gratitude and expressing thanks, not only for the obvious blessings in our lives but also for the challenges, lessons, learning opportunities, and struggles that have shaped us—which actually help us BE or become the masterpieces God created us to be (See Ephesians 2:10, NLT.) Through cultivating gratitude, we can embark on a transformative journey towards a closer, more fulfilling relationship with God, who wants to be our all in all.

Here are some practical ways the Holy Spirit is suggesting to me at this time:

1. Clearing Our Lives of Excess: Gratitude begins with recognizing the need to simplify our lives and prioritize what truly matters. Through daily prayer and meditation, we seek God’s guidance in clearing away distractions, multitasking, and the busyness of overdoing. By leaving enough time and energy in our day for the essentials and honoring our sacred body temple, we create space for deep connection with God and enriching moments with our loved ones. Decluttering can bring simplicity and spaciousness whether the clutter is mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical, and some our physical clutter can be donated to fill someone else’s need.

2. The Importance of Preparation and Systems: To eliminate stress and find peace, it’s wise to streamline our lives and create effective systems. For example, it may take less time or energy to use the phone when you need a timely response, give yourself more prep time for upcoming tasks, or embrace simplicity in something like shopping. (I just spent an hour re-packaging and filling out customs forms for a sweater I ordered online; it came from overseas and didn’t fit; and then I had to take it to FedEx). Preparing well before deadlines and simplifying things will open us up to a smoother and more organized daily routine and can eliminate stress.

3. Centering Prayer: As prompted by the Lord, I will start incorporating centering prayer as an evening practice to clear my body, mind, soul, and spirit of any hindrances or negativity. By intentionally releasing any burdens or distractions from the day, we make space for more joy and for the Father’s will to be done in and through us. Centering prayer can serve as a powerful tool for finding inner peace. I will ask God to clear my mental and spiritual negativity or hindrances before I start, and I’ll leave that intention in God’s hands. Then, typically, you sit and focus on your breathing, beginning with a favorite word of your choice (I like “Maranatha”), emptying the mind as much as you can. You bring your mind back to your sacred word whenever it wanders (which it will). Twenty minutes is great but start with smaller increments if this kind of prayer is new to you. A consistent practice like this allows God to guide our thoughts and actions more effectively. 

4. Gratitude Amidst Hard Lessons: Gratitude is not solely reserved for obvious blessings of family, health, fellowship, provision, and so forth, but ought to extend to the hard lessons and challenges we encounter in life. These obstacles shape our character and mold us into the individuals God intended us to be. By embracing gratitude for these experiences, we open ourselves to growth, resilience, and the transformative power of God’s love. We all fall short, and trials and tribulations are inevitable. But we are to put our pasts behind us, and wisdom is available to us so that we can learn and not be so foolish as to keep repeating the same mistakes.

5. Trusting in the Lord’s Guidance: Proverbs 3:5 reminds us to trust the Lord with all our hearts and not rely solely on our insight or understanding. On this journey of gratitude and transformation, we must build our trust in God’s goodness and loving guidance. By acknowledging Him in all our ways, we invite His wisdom to make our paths straight and lead us towards a deeper relationship with Him and beneficial service to others.

In conclusion, gratitude holds the key to a transformative journey to greater holiness. As mature women, we can embrace gratitude for everything, as St. Paul urged in 1 Thessalonians 5:18: “Give thanks in all circumstances.” By simplifying our lives, incorporating effective systems that simplify our lives, engaging in centering prayer, and trusting in the Lord’s guidance, we welcome the transformative power of God’s love and experience a deeper connection with Him. That, in turn, can overflow into our other relationships. Thanksgiving is the perfect reminder to embrace gratitude practices and pave the way for a more fulfilling and intimate relationship with the Holy Trinity.

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